Sunday, February 8, 2009

While Daddy's away....

Will left Wed to go to Las Vegas for furniture market. We have been having loads of Mommy Mason fun and are trying to keep busy while he is gone. We miss him so much. Wed. we got our list of friends for the Valentine's party at school. We signed up to bring candy and fruit..yum. We went to Target and picked out our Valentines (debating between Yo GABA GABA and Cars). Mason decided on Cars, so we are going to work on those tonight. Saturday we went and go smoothies!! Mason went to the babysitter Saturday night while Mommy had a girls night out. We ate dinner and saw He's Just Not That Into You. Today, with the nice weather, I attempted to teach Mason how to ride the tricycle. This is totally a Daddy job, so I just pushed him around on it! Speaking of nice can it be 13 degrees on Tues and 65 on Sunday???AAAHHHH

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